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2023-09-14 英语词典


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网络释义:加拉;庆祝;祭日复数:galas  同义词




1.庆典;盛会;演出a special public celebration or entertainment

a charity gala慈善义演

a gala dinner/night盛宴;晚会

2.体育运动会,体育竞赛(尤指游泳)a sports competition, especially in swimming

a swimming gala游泳比赛



n.1.a special performance or event to celebrate something2.a sports competition, especially a swimming competition

1.加拉 frat n. 兄弟会 gala n. 节日, 祝贺, 特别娱乐节日的, 快乐的, 庆祝的 roomies adj. 宽蔽的, 宽大的 ...

3.庆祝 gala show 晚会 (gala 节日;庆祝;盛会) 5. fitting 试装/ ...

4.盛会 apprentice 徒弟 gala 庆祝,盛会 nostalgic 怀旧的 ...

5.祭日 gaiter 绑腿,长统橡胶靴 gala 祭日,节日,祝贺 galactic 星系的,银河系的 ...

6.半乳糖醛酸(galacturonic acid) 放鞭炮 set off firecrackers 晚会 gala 拜年 pay a New Year visit ...

8.庆典 ... lantern n. 灯笼 gala n. 庆典,演出盛会 eye-catching adj. 引人注目的 ...


1.After the New Year's Eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the TV, and enjoyed 2010 CCTV Spring Festival gala.我快乐春节除夕晚宴和家人一起后,我们开始坐下来的电视和喜欢的2010年央视春节盛大的前面。

2.Setting off the scuffle was an attempt by an unregistered local church to hold a Christimas gala on a stage set up in a village square.这场混战的导火索是一个没有注册的当地教堂试图在村庄广场的搭建一个舞台举办圣诞聚会。

3.Any move is subject to Gala agreeing a fee as he is under contract and Arda has confirmed he wants to leave this summer.我们会探讨任何转会只要加拉塔萨雷同意该项邀请的转会费。图兰已经正式他在这个夏季会离开加拉塔萨雷。

4.There will be a gala dinner at the end of the festival to honor the Montecristo brand, during which "Cigar Man of the Year" will be chosen.为向基督山伯爵品牌致敬,在节日结束的当天将举行晚宴,同时,选出“年度雪茄先生”。

5.One of the most unique Malay dishes is the "roti gala" , which is often served during special occasions.马来西亚最独特的一道菜就是“鱼网面饼”,通常在特别场合才上这道菜。

6.The author took great pride in striving to be a Olympic volunteer since the event is the grandest sport gala of its kind worldwide.争当奥运会志愿者让作者感到很自豪。因为奥运会是世界上最大的体育盛典。

7.Ryan Giggs was named the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA) Players' Player of the Year at a gala dinner in London on Sunday night.周日在伦敦举行的一个庆祝晚宴上,赖安。吉格斯被职业球员协会(PFA)评为年度最佳球员。

8.Rooney collected the award, voted for by fellow professionals, at a gala ceremony in London's Grosvenor House Hotel on Sunday night.鲁尼是由职业球员投票选出的,周日晚上在伦敦的格罗斯温纳酒店就行了颁奖典礼。

9.At the charity gala preview, around 150 smartly dressed guests queued patiently to be first through the door.慈善晚会预展前,大约150名衣冠楚楚的客人耐心排队,以抢先进门。

10.But she only scored the 3rd place in the vote for "My Favorite Spring Festival Gala Program. "然而,在“我最喜爱的春晚节目”评选中,王菲的表演仅获3等奖。
